Preparing for Thanksgiving

by Blair Evan Ball on November 24, 2010

Each year it seems that it comes faster and faster, yet the meaning is still lasting. Time to remember our blessings and give thanks, and spend time with family. Did I mention Football? My Alma mater will be playing for first place in the South Division of the Big 12 .

Mamaw my mother in law is here from Oklahoma. Imagine this…she didn’t have to pay any fines for carrying excessive food supplies when traveling through Arkansas. Now that supply has been transferred to my house and thank goodness for a good foundation. Mamaw is an awesome cook, baker and great lady. 3rd degree Black belt in Tae Kwon Do at age 75. How awesome is that.

Thanksgiving – then and now


Although the original Thanksgiving was designated in 1676, there was a significant proclamation given in 1864, by President Abraham Lincoln.  I thought it was worth a fresh look.  Read it and decide if it could not have been written today, 146 years later.

Thanksgiving Proclamation:

Thanksgiving, 1864, was proclaimed by President Abraham Lincoln in these words:

“It has pleased Almighty God to prolong our national life another year…to favor as well our citizens in their homes as our soldiers in their camps, and our sailors on the rivers and seas, with unusual health.

“He has largely augmented our free population by emancipation and by immigration, while He has opened to us new sources of wealth, and has crowned the labor of our working men in every department of industry with abundant rewards.

“Moreover, He has been pleased to animate and inspire our minds and hearts with fortitude, courage and resolution sufficient for the great trial … into which we have been brought by cause of freedom and humanity …

“Now, therefore, I …. do hereby appoint and set apart the last Thursday in November next as a day which I desire to be observed by all my fellow-citizens, wherever they may be then, as a day of thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God, the beneficent Creator and Ruler of the universe.

“And I do further recommend to my fellow-citizens aforesaid, that on that occasion they do reverently humble themselves in the dust, and from thence offer up penitent and fervent prayers and supplications to the great Disposer of events for a return of the inestimable blessings of peace, union and harmony throughout the land which it has pleased Him to assign as a dwelling-place for ourselves and for our posterity throughout all generations.”

There are many reasons to be thankful – not only this week, but as a continuing frame of mind.  I trust you have more to be thankful for than you can list or count.  I know I do.

Happy Thanksgiving my friends

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